Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ride 'em Cowgirl!

Happy Halloween to one and all!

I have to show off my costume even though I am a day late. 

I wasn't going to dress up and then at the last minute I just threw together things from in my closet. (Yes, this city girl really does own this much country stuff.) I work at a costume company so not dressing up for Halloween  is a BIG no no! 

I could never be one of those girls who wear slutty costumes and shows it all off to whoever will look. I never saw Halloween as a day to dress like a sexy-cop or a sexy-nurse or anything with the word "sexy" before it. 

Instead I threw together a "non-sexy" costume that I was honestly super comfortable wearing. Maybe I was meant to be a cowgirl that rides horses and says "yeee-haw" all day! I think cowboy boots and cowboy hats suit me!

Meet my horse Molly. 

I wasn't kidding... my whole office gets really into the spirit of Halloween.

One of my best friends and favorite coworkers ... or Britney Spears?!? You tell me. 

And while I am at it... why not show off my costume from last year that I actually put work into? Minnie Mouse. I felt like a little girl in a tutu. Call me crazy, but the next time I go to Disney I plan to wear this to meet the Mouse. 


  1. Haha! These photos are WAY too cute!

  2. It seems like there were so many Minnies this year! Including myself :) Hahaha! But I didn't look nearly as "minnieish" as in these pictures. Homemade costume!
