Tuesday, April 26, 2011

childhood flashback

When all else fails and I need a pick me up more than diet coke and chocolate I reach for bright colored clothes and sparkle shoes.  Instantly happier! I wore this outfit last week on a cloudy day. I was inspired by the colors of a Lite-Brite -- only the coolest toy ever for a kid. I remember playing for hours with our Lite-Brite. The person who came up the idea of putting little colored pegs in a light board is a genius.  

Now I need to go find me a Lite-Brite asap!!

Jeans: American Eagle
Shoes: GAP
T-Shirt: J.Crew
Scarf: street market in Rome
Cardigan: Urban Outfitters
Cami: Old Navy

These kids look like they are having a blast!!

Bright colors make me feel like a kid.

Shoes so bright you need sunglasses to look at them!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Dance

So I took these photos last week on a sunny day where wearing boots was still bearable. Today it was 88 degrees according to my car and if I were wearing boots today I would have melted.

These were some of the first photos I took with my new camera!!! Right after the wedding I knew I needed to suck it up and go buy a camera. I felt lost without a camera in my purse at all times.  So that Sunday Brian and I went out and picked me out a Nikon. I am in love! Maybe my old camera breaking was a good thing...maybe.

Now you will all have to deal with photo overload because I was a slack this past week (due to unexpected overtime at work) and did not post any of the outfit shots. I have some catching up to do.

Jeans: Old Navy
T-Shirt: Lauren Conrad for Kohls
Sweater: American Eagle
Boots: Uggs (biggest shocker in my closet)

I never thought I would ever own Uggs -
but these beauties just had to be mine!
Purple and knit with buttons!!! Score!

Happy dance for new camera!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

miss megra

It is my lovely friend Megra's 25th Birthday today. We sadly can't celebrate together because she is off living her life in Scotland. :)  Well I really miss you Meg and I can't wait to you come home so we can all hang out again. I hope you are having an amazing time at St. Andrews --- don't go off a meet a prince or else you will never come home to us!

HAPPY #25 MEGRA !!! 

Meg & Ellie

Meg and her "secret" lover John Adams

Meg and K-Bob

Monday, April 18, 2011

The I Do's And The Rain

This weekend I took a trip home with Brian to attend a wedding of one of my best friends from high school. I have been looking forward to this weekend for months. It was not only a chance to celebrate the wedding of Stephanie and Nick who were high school sweethearts, but also an excuse to get dressed up, do my hair all pretty and see all my friends from high school. 

It was a beautiful and wet ceremony.  It not only rained but it poured! The rain did not let up all night and caused flooded roadways and a pair of really soaked feet. The reception was at this beautiful farm style house. I had lots of different rooms all decorated in various ways. The house was a dream - I would move in in a second! I loved exploring all the rooms throughout the night. I could have imagine growing up in the rooms and playing on all the staircase.  When I first went exploring I immediately thought that this place would be amazing for photos! The photos would have all been beautiful but since my camera was busted I borrowed my mom's camera for the night. Sadly, I could not figure out how to adjust the settings and all the photos came out either blurry or really yellow. Every time I adjusted the camera to where it wasn't blurry it changed back to the wrong settings automatically.  I want to share the amazing house so I will post the photos anyway - just be aware -- the blurriness is the photos not your eyes! 

This room was all green. It had amazing wooden accents and in the
corner was an old chest of drawers with old clothes and fabrics pouring out. 

The last photo I took of the night. I was so frustrated with the camera by this point
but needed to show how amazing my man looked!

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Steve Madden 
(was wearing heels for most of the night but 
changed once they were too soaked and muddy)
Cardigan: Threadence
Belt: NY & Company

The reception was amazing. In a big tent full of great food, friends and music. We danced all night and laughed as we got soaked walking back and forth to the main house. My shoes got ruined and the bottom of my cardigan is all muddy and in need of a good cleaning, but the wedding was amazing and the rain makes for better stories in the end. 

Congrats to Stephanie and Nick! I really hope that it is true what people say about rain on your wedding day being good luck - because you two will be the luckiest couple ever! 

yummy yummy salad.

This shows how dark and rainy it was outside.
You can see the rain thru the tent.

The beautiful bride. She looked so happy - glowing all night.

I will hopefully have more photos to post later. My friend Ellie brought her camera and snapped a lot of photos throughout the night so I will have to steal them from her soon. 

Going to be a long busy week at work but looking forward to Easter weekend --- these next few days can not go fast enough!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Honestly a long day and all I kept thinking today was "we still have to make it thru friday to get to the weekend!" I know - depressing. 

So I decided I needed a pick me up --- so I stopped on the way home and got myself an ice cream cone. Seriously, who doesn't instantly become happy when they are holding an ice cream cone. I felt like a little kid!

And then when I got to my apartment door - my dresses ordered from Target had arrived 3 days early! Super exciting. The Go Collection dresses had gone on clearance online so needless to say I snatched up two! Can't wait to wear them. 

After ice cream and clothes I still needed a smile so I plopped my butt down on my couch - watched an episode of the best show ever- GILMORE GIRLS - and gave myself a manicure. 

I am not really a fancy nails type of girl. I remember getting my nails done for proms in high school and I always felt so fancy, but on a normal day my nails are chipped if they are painted at all. It isn't strange for me to only have half a hand painted - I start painting and get bored before I paint the other hand. I have the attention span of a goldfish.  

That is why when I heard about these amazing Salon Effects nail polish strips from Sally Hansen I knew I had to try them out. I was intimidated at first but they were super easy to apply and I love love love the finished product. Check it out! The best I could do was snap a few photos using my computer camera since mine is still dead. The best part is that they match my glasses - unplanned I swear!

Needless to say ... I am in a much better mood now. These nails made the night just puuurrrfect! Get it?! I am so funny! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

25 Candles and One For Good Luck

Today is a day to celebrate.... it is one of my best friends 25th birthday.... so I will take the day today to wish her a happy birthday instead of posting an outfit...


Ain't she adorable?!
I have known Ellie since freshmen year of highschool. We were introduced by a friend Steph who thought it would be good to know someone in our future homeroom. We met on a bench outside Hersheypark the summer before freshmen year and instantly I liked this girl - little did I know we would have such a long friendship.  We share not only our last name but our same sense of humor and crazy stories from the last 11 years. Wow... crazy - has it really been that long?! 

Hope you have a great day Ellie!! Love you!

The gang's all here! 
Rachel, Ellie and Meg showing off their sexy messy hair.

The night Lady Gaga met Cloud 9

Ellie hates to be in the center because she is so tall -
but I see her height as beautiful- women go thru so much pain to
wear heels in order to make themselves taller...
she is luck enough to naturally be like that. Jealous!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The day the camera died...

Sad sad day.... the day the camera died. I have been using the same Sony Cybershot camera since I came back from study abroad in 2006.  This camera was amazing and probably had a good year or two left on its life... however its life was cut tragically short today due to wind, awful timing and bad luck. 

I am still a baby blogger and I wasn't sure I was ready to invest in a tripod before I find out if this blog is fun or a waste of time. In the mean time I have been using a small plastic table that is the perfect height to hold the camera.  Looking back I wish I would have just spend the 30 bucks on a tripod.

Set timer.. place camera... run to spot... smile... snap.. run back and check to see how stupid I looked.... repeat. 

Today, however, after I placed the camera on the table a giant gust of wind came and knocked it right off my trusty tri-pod table and *boom* onto the ground. I guess it hit at just the right angle that the lens is now jammed. I was able to snap one last blurry shot before the camera turned off forever. Goodbye amazing Cybershot..you will be missed.

It just sucks because I have been trying to get the hang of this blogging thing and I have really enjoyed documenting my outfits everyday. Now I am camera-less and really sad. I am so careful with things that are valuable... I don't own many but things like my camera, my computer and my sewing machine are items that I don't want to replace if I can help it so I baby them like crazy! Now I have to somehow scrape together a couple hundred bucks to buy a new camera.  I was hoping this one would last until I can save for an amazing Nikon. 

Anyways... it was just a crappy end to a blah day.

Here is the outfit of the day. Before you ask... yes it was crazy hot out today - like summer. I hate it. I don't like heat and I hate to sweat. If it could be fall weather or spring all year I would love it. But when it goes from cold to 88 degrees in one day I am not only confused but also a little pissed. So to revolt I wore a sweater and a scarf. Also - I wore them because it is freezing at work - but I am not ready to stop wearing scarves just yet. I have a whole bag full and they all need to be used to their full potential!

Thanks for listening to the ramble. Brian is letting me borrow his camera for the time being and my sister offered her as well. I have some pretty amazing people in my life. I just have to promise not to break theirs too --- I think a trip to store for a tripod is in near future. 

Jeans/ Shoes/ Scarf: American Eagle
Stripe Shirt: NY & Company
Watch: Nixon (gift when I graduated college)
Sweater: Urban Outfitters
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

I love red shoes. LOVE!!!

The last shot taken before she died. A little blurry but I will treasure it forever.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weeding Out the Closet

Quick post... not feeling 100%.  

Even came home afterwork instead of going shopping with my girlfriend. You KNOW that I don't feel well when i turn down shopping!

Nothing special for the outfit selection for today. Dug all the way to the back of my closet for this outfit. All items that I haven't worn for a while. I think it is because it is all stuff I am not in love with. 

This blog will be a great way for me to weed things that I don't love out my closet. I have wayyy too many clothes in my closet that I haven't worn for one reason or another and they are just wasting space. Like these jeans. I liked them when I bought them, but they are the type of jean that is tight of my legs and super loose around my waist. I have a belt on super tight to hold them up, but that ends up producing a pooch which no girls needs. I think these will be going into my goodwill bin to hopefully fit some other girl much better.

Outfit Details:

Jeans: GAP
Black Tank Top: H&M
Stripe T-Shirt: American Eagle
Jacket: JC Penny (literally $2)
Boots: Urban Outfitters
Watch/ Bracelets: NY&CO
Scarf: Street market in India
Ring: 80's Purple  

Ok, off to take a nap and sleep off this sickness. 
Thank God tomorrow is Friday.
