Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shoe of the Week

Who doesn't love heels? But they aren't always the most practical shoe. Sometimes a girl just needs to wear a flat or a sneaker for that matter. 

So when I saw these sneakers on another blog I had to hunt them down. 

A sneaker with the graphic heel print on the side is a great idea and honestly would be a really fun DIY for anyone with some extra time.  

I would love to take a pair of white high-tops and paint a heel on the side and then either stud or add gemstones to the heel. Okay, Now I have convinced myself. I need to find some high-tops and make these myself. That way I can save myself some money and make them totally unique.  

What do you think? Would make a fun DIY right? 

What: Be&D Brightlights Sneaker in Pink, Orange, Black, Gold or Turq

Where: or Karmaloop

How much:  $128

all images via karmaloop

Monday, April 16, 2012

Everything that Sparkles

At this time last year I was pulling 12 hours shifts and going out of my mind.  This year we are only doing 10 hour shifts and I am still pulling my hair out. However, I was super smart a year ago and took advantage of working 12 hour days. My co-worker David and I used our 10 minute break wisely and decided to do a mini photo shoot around work.  I can't believe I had these photos sitting on my hard-drive for a year and didn't do anything with them.

Since I mention my work so much I figured I might as well show you around. 

I work at a dance wear company where we design, manufacture and ship costumes around the world. Guess you could say that we are kinda a big deal.

I am surrounded by sequin and sparkles and tutus all day. You would think it wouldn't get old... trust me. It does. Not to mention you find sequins in really strange places when you get home like inside your shoe or even in your undies. Not sure how to explain that one. 

This is the sequin wall. It sparkles like the sun. 

This is David. He keeps me sane. 

Year old outfit, but I still would wear it today. Actually I may just wear it tomorrow. Done and done. 

Jeans: Levi's
Top: Lauren Conrad for Kohls
Shoes: Steve Madden

The factory floor minus all the workers. 

Surrounded by tutus and spandex. Here is our sample closet where we hold onto at least one sample for each costume we are currently manufacturing. The clothing racks go up 4 levels and wrap around 2/3 of the room. It is a pretty impressive and sparkly sight. 

This is also in the sample closet which doubles as the photo shoot room. We have models much better than me to come in and show off the designs.  

David again.... proving that he could be the next big thing in the modeling industry. Ralph Lauren, you looking for a new model? I think I found your guy!!

This is my computer and the program that I work on daily. 
I do what is called Marker Making. It is my job to arrange the pattern pieces onto the fabric to achieve the best fabric utilization. To sum up... It is similar to working with a puzzle or Tetris all day long. It takes a lot of math, creativity and patience.

There ya go guys... a sneak peak into my daily life. 
Part two to come at a later date... 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It Has Been a Fast Year....

Happy (Late) 1 Year Birthday Buttons & Bobbins!!!

This past year has flown by in a blink of an eye. 

I can't believe that I missed the one year birthday of this here baby blog. That is as bad as forgetting the birthday of a friend. 

When I started a fashion/style blog I really did not know what to expect and knew nothing about online blogging. I knew only that I loved fashion and I wanted a way to express myself.  I hoped I could use my blog as a way to document my style as well as a way to connect to other girls with the same interests. I started Buttons & Bobbins a year ago as a way to stay connected to my passion for style and fashion and as a tool to weed out my closet. (Which really has helped!)

I have thought about it and have decided that my blogging this past year has been a bit of a disappointment.  I had admired so many fashion bloggers who update constantly and find amazing places to take photos. I admire that they have the time to go to these places and take photos and edit and post them with quirky comments. I admired their extensive closet and unending inspiration. Inspired by all of those ladies I too had all of these grand ideas which fell thru due to lack of time. Working in the fashion/costume industry has given me little time to blog about fashion. Ironic. Even though I suck at posting , I have been very dedicated to taking photos over the past year, even if they are just photos against a brick wall. (I promise to get more creative with locations.)

This leads me to my next topic... this past weekend I have been going into my computer's photo archives and I have found bunches of photos that got lost in the mix and were never posted. It is fun to look back and see that something I wore only a year ago may not be something I would put together today. Crazy how style changes so fast. 

So within the next few weeks I will be posting those past outfits.  I will post when the outfits were actually worn in the hopes to avoid confusion. There will be snow photos posted one day and then a summer photo posted the next. (Weather in PA is crazy, but not that fickle.)

I thought that this blog anniversary would be a great opportunity to rethink some things on Buttons & Bobbins. 

First, I have enlisted the help of a friend to redo the layout.  Something that I have wanted to do since day one. 

Secondly, I want to pick a specific direction to take the blog. For example I want to have a set topic per day of the week.  Monday might be the shoe of the week, Tuesday might be the outfit post, Wednesday a movie or music post.... so on and so forth. That will take some adjusting and perfecting, but I think the structure will help me be more diligent to blogging (which has been my biggest struggle.)  I honestly would love to co-write the blog with a certain friend.  So we could see how our styles differ. But I don't know how she would feel about that. 

Thirdly and finally, I promise to post more. I don't want to have to play catch up constantly.  Why am I so good at taking the photos and so slow at posting them online? I guess staring at a screen all day makes me less inclined to come home and stare at one some more.  

Alright folks... fingers crossed that I can actually stick to the plan and in a year from now I will be writing in my perfect little blog. Thanks for reading and keep coming back! (I promise it will get better.)  :)

image  via google image search