Sunday, February 19, 2012

Butterfly Wings

On my one day off this week did I do a bunch of cleaning? No. Running around? No. Laundry? Not exactly. Instead I slept in late, silenced my phone and plopped myself down on the couch in front of the t.v. where I watched a marathon on The Office. 

Yippee for a lazy Sunday. 

As you can imagine since I did not leave the apartment all day, I also did not get dressed. I was still wearing my old sweats until 30 minutes ago when I finally showered. I also did not wash my face or comb my hair in case you were wondering. TMI?! 

Instead of offering you yet another day without an outfit post, here is an outfit I wore a few weeks ago. 

This kimono was an impulse buy around Christmas from H&M.  It spoke to me 1) because it was only 7 dollars on the clearance rack and 2) because it is so cozy it is like wearing pj's all day and 3) because I love the print which looks like tiny butterfly wings or feathers. It all added up to one of those moments where I say "self, if you don't buy this now you will regret it later!" I pulled out my debit card and bought it 5 minutes later and then ran out of the store before I bought anything else. H&M can be a dangerous place!!!

I am not ready for another week to start. I feel so worn down and exhausted from all the overtime. I added it up and if i subtract all the work hours, travel hours and sleep time I am left with only 50 hours of free time a week. 

Still I have no regrets that I spent all of my free time today on the couch with Brian. Watching television with my man is time well spent! And now I feel well rested to start the week ... another plus. 

Jeans and Flats: American Eagle
Kimono: H&M
Scarf: Bought in India
T-Shirt: Target
Glasses: Warby Parker

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