Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crazy Awesome

That crazy awesome Jeffrey Campbell has done it again... and has created this week's shoe obsession. 

With the unique shape and fun color combos, he has designed a shoe that makes me wish my credit card didn't have a limit. 

For now I will just have to watch these beauties from afar. I really wish they sold more of his shoes in stores. Sometimes all it takes is for me to try on the shoe for the obsession to die... however that has been know to  backfire and I have come home with the shoes that I was "just trying on." 

What can I say?! I am a shoe addict!!

images via

1 comment:

  1. They are amaaazing <3 I love the first pair especially! Be sure to enter my £100 ASOS giveaway!

    Lost in the Haze
