Monday, April 11, 2011

The day the camera died...

Sad sad day.... the day the camera died. I have been using the same Sony Cybershot camera since I came back from study abroad in 2006.  This camera was amazing and probably had a good year or two left on its life... however its life was cut tragically short today due to wind, awful timing and bad luck. 

I am still a baby blogger and I wasn't sure I was ready to invest in a tripod before I find out if this blog is fun or a waste of time. In the mean time I have been using a small plastic table that is the perfect height to hold the camera.  Looking back I wish I would have just spend the 30 bucks on a tripod.

Set timer.. place camera... run to spot... smile... snap.. run back and check to see how stupid I looked.... repeat. 

Today, however, after I placed the camera on the table a giant gust of wind came and knocked it right off my trusty tri-pod table and *boom* onto the ground. I guess it hit at just the right angle that the lens is now jammed. I was able to snap one last blurry shot before the camera turned off forever. Goodbye amazing will be missed.

It just sucks because I have been trying to get the hang of this blogging thing and I have really enjoyed documenting my outfits everyday. Now I am camera-less and really sad. I am so careful with things that are valuable... I don't own many but things like my camera, my computer and my sewing machine are items that I don't want to replace if I can help it so I baby them like crazy! Now I have to somehow scrape together a couple hundred bucks to buy a new camera.  I was hoping this one would last until I can save for an amazing Nikon. 

Anyways... it was just a crappy end to a blah day.

Here is the outfit of the day. Before you ask... yes it was crazy hot out today - like summer. I hate it. I don't like heat and I hate to sweat. If it could be fall weather or spring all year I would love it. But when it goes from cold to 88 degrees in one day I am not only confused but also a little pissed. So to revolt I wore a sweater and a scarf. Also - I wore them because it is freezing at work - but I am not ready to stop wearing scarves just yet. I have a whole bag full and they all need to be used to their full potential!

Thanks for listening to the ramble. Brian is letting me borrow his camera for the time being and my sister offered her as well. I have some pretty amazing people in my life. I just have to promise not to break theirs too --- I think a trip to store for a tripod is in near future. 

Jeans/ Shoes/ Scarf: American Eagle
Stripe Shirt: NY & Company
Watch: Nixon (gift when I graduated college)
Sweater: Urban Outfitters
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

I love red shoes. LOVE!!!

The last shot taken before she died. A little blurry but I will treasure it forever.

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