Monday, April 18, 2011

The I Do's And The Rain

This weekend I took a trip home with Brian to attend a wedding of one of my best friends from high school. I have been looking forward to this weekend for months. It was not only a chance to celebrate the wedding of Stephanie and Nick who were high school sweethearts, but also an excuse to get dressed up, do my hair all pretty and see all my friends from high school. 

It was a beautiful and wet ceremony.  It not only rained but it poured! The rain did not let up all night and caused flooded roadways and a pair of really soaked feet. The reception was at this beautiful farm style house. I had lots of different rooms all decorated in various ways. The house was a dream - I would move in in a second! I loved exploring all the rooms throughout the night. I could have imagine growing up in the rooms and playing on all the staircase.  When I first went exploring I immediately thought that this place would be amazing for photos! The photos would have all been beautiful but since my camera was busted I borrowed my mom's camera for the night. Sadly, I could not figure out how to adjust the settings and all the photos came out either blurry or really yellow. Every time I adjusted the camera to where it wasn't blurry it changed back to the wrong settings automatically.  I want to share the amazing house so I will post the photos anyway - just be aware -- the blurriness is the photos not your eyes! 

This room was all green. It had amazing wooden accents and in the
corner was an old chest of drawers with old clothes and fabrics pouring out. 

The last photo I took of the night. I was so frustrated with the camera by this point
but needed to show how amazing my man looked!

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Steve Madden 
(was wearing heels for most of the night but 
changed once they were too soaked and muddy)
Cardigan: Threadence
Belt: NY & Company

The reception was amazing. In a big tent full of great food, friends and music. We danced all night and laughed as we got soaked walking back and forth to the main house. My shoes got ruined and the bottom of my cardigan is all muddy and in need of a good cleaning, but the wedding was amazing and the rain makes for better stories in the end. 

Congrats to Stephanie and Nick! I really hope that it is true what people say about rain on your wedding day being good luck - because you two will be the luckiest couple ever! 

yummy yummy salad.

This shows how dark and rainy it was outside.
You can see the rain thru the tent.

The beautiful bride. She looked so happy - glowing all night.

I will hopefully have more photos to post later. My friend Ellie brought her camera and snapped a lot of photos throughout the night so I will have to steal them from her soon. 

Going to be a long busy week at work but looking forward to Easter weekend --- these next few days can not go fast enough!

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