Friday, May 20, 2011


Decisions... Decisions.... 

Not really my thing. I either know 100% about something or I am never able to make up my mind. There is no in between.  

Yesterday I could not pick what pair of shoes to wear. Shoe decisions at 6 in the morning are never the best. Which is why yesterday I went to work with 3 different pairs of shoes. Excessive!? Nah!

I started the day out wearing the pair in the center which I wasn't loving so around 9am I switched into the flats. 
Then at lunch I tried to be a little bit daring and busted out my Litas (the ones on the right).  I loved them up until the skies opened up right when I was about to leave work. New suede shoes in the pouring rain?! Not in this lifetime!! I will only be a diva about a few things and ruining shoes is one of them!  I quickly put the flats back on for the rainy drive home. I know I seem shoe crazed, but shoes can really make or break your outfit -- so you gotta keep trying until you get it just right! 

I did get a lot of "wait a minute -- you weren't wearing those earlier!" throughout the day.

My favorites turned out to be the Litas. They just added the right pop of drama to the outfit. But working in a factory doesn't really mix well with wearing 5 inch heels. I'm proud to say I didn't fall, but I was also made it so I didn't have to walk much. :) Gotta do what you gotta do for fashion.

Since it was pouring outside when I got home yesterday I wasn't able to take any photos of my outfit. Maybe at some point this weekend I can go back and take a few photos of the pieces to show the 3 different shoes with the ensemble. That way I will know better for the next time and I won't have to pack a duffle bag full of shoes for work! 

Left: Steve Madden
Center: Rachel Comey for Urban Outfitters
Right: Jeffrey Campbell "Lita" 

Can't you just feel my confusion?!

Which pair to wear?!

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